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Praise for Spit, Scarey Ann, and Sweat Bees

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Kathryn Tucker Windham is one of the state’s most beloved storytellers, A Selma native and award-winning reporter whose ghost stories have brought laughter and fear to the lives of many. In the memoir Spit, Scarey Ann and Sweat Bees, Windham invites readers to sit on the front porch of her life. Reading this book is like sitting alongside Windham in a rocker, fanning away mosquitoes and reminiscing. The story-telling is more train of thought than a strict narrative, proving that one thing does, indeed, lead to another.
Spit, Scarey Ann, & Sweat Bees contains highly visual images, and it is written almost as if Windham is viewing mental photographs. She scrutinizes one, reminisces of the anecdote surrounding it, and moves on to the next. Windham’s memoir is evidence of why she has earned the reputation of being Alabama’s favorite storyteller.
Kathryn Tucker Windham continues to pursue many professions. Regardless of the genre, she succeeds. She captures her South with all its richness and complexity ... All ages can enjoy this book, which can easily bridge generation gaps through shared reading. These “simple tales” are the “stuff” of our heritage, Alabama’s past. This master storyteller has done her readers the invaluable service of preserving our past and, we can hope, inspiring us to preserve and share our own “serigamy” (her family’s word for “a whole lot of, a good many, a heap of”) stories.