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Praise for Against the Grain

About the Book
Bill Sanders offers revealing insights into the makings of a bitingly good editorial cartoon, while highlighting the juicy scandals and bureaucratic wranglings of five presidential administrations from Eisenhower to Trump. Sumptuously illustrated with some of his best work, Sanders’ witty and engaging autobiography makes irresistible reading for humor buffs and political junkies alike.
In Against the Grain, a political cartoonist shares his work and memories of his career while lamenting the current state of journalism and politics. The tone of his writing suggests a genial man, but Sanders has spent an illustrious career wielding a sharp pen. His memoir serves as an overview of the political currents that have roiled the nation. His work potently captures the tumult of the civil rights era, Vietnam War, Watergate, and, most recently, what he considers the unfathomable election of Donald Trump. A solid encapsulation of a significant, occasionally controversial career.
A gorgeously designed book, Against the Grain by Bill Sanders is a fresh, exciting look at several decades of US political history along with insights into the challenges of a demanding cartooning career.